Click here to view our Task Force Roster
***June 3 Update***
Safe, effective vaccines that protect against COVID-19 are widely available for anyone over the age of 12. The Kane County COVID-19 task force continued to hold regular meetings through June 3. Notes from the May 6th meeting are available here.
***March 25 Update***
The County Commission issued Executive Order E 2021-01, designating Kane County a Low Transmission Area on March 19th. A brief summation of the bi-weekly Kane County COVID-19 task force meeting can be found here.
***March 11 Update***
Kane County currently has 116 active COVID-19 cases, according to the Health Department website. More than 100 of those are in the Kane County Jail. This leaves fewer than 20 active cases in the county. The Utah Department of Health has expanded vaccine eligibility to include anyone age 50 or older, and is expected to loosen mask requirements in mid-April. The Kane County COVID-19 task force met today in a regular bi-weekly meeting. A brief summation of the meeting can be found here.
***February 25 Update***
The Health Department currently shows 108 active COVID-19 cases in Kane County. Approximately 80 of those are in the Kane County Jail, leaving 25-30 active cases in the County. Beginning March 1st, individuals with certain health conditions will become eligible to receive a vaccine. The list of eligible conditions is available at Read notes from the bi-weekly Kane County COVID-19 task force meeting here.
***February 19 Press Release***
The Southwest Utah Public Health Department has been posting higher than usual case counts for Kane County due to an outbreak of cases among Kane County Jail inmates. Read the full press release here.
***February 11 Update***
COVID-19 transmission rates and hospitalizations are declining in Utah, but deaths are remaining too high and continue to affect the senior population the most. Starting March 1st, the list of adults eligible for vaccination will expand to include anyone over the age of 65 and those with certain medical conditions. For more information about the phased vaccine rollout, visit the state’s website at Eligible residents are encourage to sign up for vaccination appointments on the Health Department website ( starting Monday, February 22nd. Those who need assistance with the sign-up process can call our local Covid Vaccine Hotline for support at 435-644-4994. A brief summation of the bi-weekly Kane County COVID-19 task force meeting can be found here.
***January 14 Update***
The Kane County COVID-19 task force met today in a regular bi-weekly meeting. A brief summation of the meeting can be found here.
***December 31 Update***
Kane County has experienced a second COVID-19 related death. Vaccine distribution is underway throughout the state, including in Kane County. The vaccine is currently available for healthcare workers and first responders. Eligible individuals can register for vaccination at More information about the vaccine and its distribution timeline is available on the State coronavirus website at A summary of the bi-weekly Kane County COVID-19 task force meeting can be found here.
***December 17 Update***
The Kane County COVID-19 task force met today in a regular bi-weekly meeting. The meeting included discussion of Governor Herbert's announcement regarding changes to school quarantine guidelines, the recent spike in Kane County's COVID-19 numbers, and plans for vaccine distribution. A summary of the meeting can be found here.
***November 19 Update***
The Kane County COVID-19 task force met today in a regular bi-weekly meeting. The task force is a multi agency information sharing committee similar to the Governor's task force. A brief summation of the meeting can be found here.
***October 15 Update***
Governor Herbert has issued an executive order revising the color coded restriction guidelines into a level of transmission scale. Details and current levels for all counties can be found here. Kane County is in the Low level category and the COVID-19 Task Force met today to discuss the new guidelines as well as local situation updates. Click here to see information from that meeting.
***September 3 Update***
The Kane County COVID-19 task force met today in a regular bi-weekly meeting. A brief summation of the meeting can be found here.
***August 9 Update***
Kane County Covid-19 Task Force received a recommendation letter from concerned citizens. The letter was sent out by everbridge and can be found by clicking here.
Southwest Health Department has recorded the first Covid-19 related death in Kane County. Residents should continue to be diligent in following guidelines and especially safeguarding the at risk members of our community.
Restrictions and Information document has been updated and includes numerous links to websites with supporting current information. Click here.
***July 27 Update***
Additional updates have been made to the COVID-19 Information and Restrictions page. Please use this page to find the most current links and information for continued restrictions in our area.
***July 24 Update***
The Kane County Covid 19 Task Force reviewed increasing case numbers and the fact that these numbers only reflect county residents. They also review local Hospital utilization, continued social distancing requirements, as well as other data elements to include recovered patients.
Kane County Hospital staff message to the Task Force was:
Links to information and resources can be found in the COVID-19 Restrictions and Information here.
Residents are advised to be diligent in social distancing, hygiene and protecting the vulnerable high risk individuals.
***June 12 Update***
Kane County is the first County in the State of Utah to move to the GREEN "New Normal Phase" of Covid-19 restrictions. It is important to note that there are still social distancing guidelines and recommendations that need to be followed. Click here for specific information and guidelines.
***May 28 Update***
The restrictions and information document has been updated here. This updated document includes areas and facilities that have been opened and guidelines for continued social distancing.
***May 22 Update***
Governor Herbert announced that the majority of Utah has moved to YELLOW and has added additional guidance to the Utah Leads together plan which can be found here.
Kane County has developed and adopted a Covid-19 Operations Plan that allows changes to be made based on the State of Utah plan. That plan can be found here and the Executive Order can be found here.
Kanab City has opened several facilities and more information can be found on their website here.
Kanab CIty Recreation issued a press release on Parks, Pool and summer activities which can be found here.
***May 7 Update***
Kane County Executive order 2020-09 can be found here. This document has information about access to public offices and facilities to include the Kanab Center, North Events Center, Emergency Management Building (SAR Building), and Kaneplex following phased health guidelines for the relevant color issued by the Governor.
The Covid-19 Restrictions and Information page has been updated to reflect the most current links on recommendations, restrictions and access to recreational sites like Lake Powell, National Parks and Kanab City Parks.
***May 5 Update***
Press Release discussing City Parks, Baseball Cancellations, Pool Opening and other efforts during the current Orange stage of Covid-19 restrictions can be found here.
County officials are working hard with the State of Utah and National Park Service to adjust regulations for use of Lake Powell to include County residents. Updated information on Lake Powell access can be found here
With Governor Herbert’s recent change, effective May 1, 2020, we are encouraging your continued diligence in preventing the spread of the virus. All County buildings will remain under the current executive order. Increased use of these facilities is being evaluated continually based on the current restrictions.
South West Utah Health department and local elected officials have been in active discussion with Governor Herbert to evaluate and update our current restrictions in the Utah Leads Together 2.0 plan. The region remains at the Orange level at this time.
***May 1 Update***
On May 1st, following the Utah Leads Together 2.0 plan, The Governor issued an executive order declaring the State of Utah has officially transitioned from Red to Orange and into the Stabilization Phase. The restrictions and information page (to the Right) has been updated to reflect the changes that this order entails as well as changes to local restrictions. In summary, face covering recommendations and requirements, social distance guidelines, travel limitations, general hygiene practices and universal precautions.
Kanab City has opened portions of City Parks with the exception of playground equipment and bathrooms. Press release here.
Kane County facilities remain closed with several offices seeing the public by appointment or at special customer service windows. Email and phone options are encouraged. County public facility access is actively being reviewed with possible changes within the next week. The County Commission and other partners are working with Glen Canyon to open up the boat ramps at Lake Powell at least for local residents.
Orderville, Glendale and Fredonia specific information is available here to include the extension of AZ State restrictions to May 15.
***April 22 Update***
Current Information and Restrictions has been updated to reflect the County Commission allowing
Recreation Restrictions ordinance to expire. Scroll down the the April 7th update
for a summary of the ordinance.
***April 14 Update***
Draft Ordinance to waive penalty and interest for Business Personal Property Taxes
***April 13 Update***
4/13/20 Kane County relaxes restrictions on Recreation
On Monday April 13, 2020 Kane County relaxed the restrictions placed on travel by non-county residents. Effective today, some high use areas are designated as “Day Use Only”. Those areas include Wirepass Trailhead, Dry Fork Trailhead and its associated slot canyons, Elephant Cove Trailhead, Hog Canyon, The Dry Lakebed near Coral Pink Sand Dunes, and Peekaboo Slot Canyon Trailhead North of Kanab. Any other High-Density Recreation Areas where large groups of campers congregate are also open for “Day Use Only”.
Primitive or over-night camping that is otherwise allowed in other areas of Kane County is allowed for anyone so long as any single group is limited to ten people or a single household and each group is located at least 50 yards away from any other group.
Hiking and ATV use is allowed in all properly designated areas and trails.
State Parks are still only open to residents of the county where the state park resides.
For information on Federal Parks and recreation areas, please check their associated websites.
Kane County asks that all parties recreate responsibly and safely to alleviate overloading our limited medical services and personnel.
***April 10 Update***
This is a message from Kane County Emergency Services
Today is April 10th. As we go into the Easter Weekend, Southwest Utah Public Health Department shows Kane County with 3 residents who have tested positive for COVID-19. All 3 are isolated at home and in various stages of recovery.
Kane County has temporary restrictions in place asking non-county residents to not use public lands and state parks in Kane County through April 22nd to limit travel into the area. County residents and property owners are welcome to camp, hike, and recreate on public lands in Kane County during this time. As you plan your family Easter activities, you are encouraged to continue social distancing recommendations and keep your groups small and avoid other people. Make your activities as safe as possible so the hospital is not tied up with accidents and injuries while they are trying to deal with the coronavirus issues. Be sure to thank the hospital staff for their efforts when you see them.
We anticipate that Kane County will see additional cases of COVID-19. Again, we caution you to not panic. Continue following the practices of washing your hands often, using hand sanitizer, keeping your hands away from your face, and keeping your family home. The CDC has recommended that individuals wear masks, to include homemade cloth masks, if you will be in situations where you can’t avoid possible close contact with others, like going to the store. The cloth mask is not designed to keep you from getting sick, but will help you to not spread the virus to others if you might be ill. If you need to go to the store or to pick up food, only one person should go. Get out in your yard and enjoy the spring sun. Pull some weeds, play with your children, or go for a walk.
Always remember to get your information from reputable sources. Beware of the many scams that are taking place. Never give out your personal information on the phone or internet. For the most accurate information, use the state’s website,
If everyone will follow Governor Herbert’s current plan of Stay Home, Stay Safe, Save Lives, we will see a much quicker resolution to the pandemic.
Have a Happy and safe Easter weekend.
***April 7 Update***
Kane County Ordinance Imposes Restrictions on Non-County Residents.
On Tuesday April 7, 2020, Kane County enacted an ordinance
The ordinance states:
For self-isolation times or to read the entire ordinance, please go to This ordinance is effective until April 22nd unless extended by the Kane County Commission. Violation of the ordinance is a class B misdemeanor.
***April 5 Update***
Kane County reporting 2nd local resident case.
Kane County was notified Sunday that a second resident had tested positive for COVID-19. The individual is experiencing mild symptoms and is isolated at home. We encourage everyone to stay diligent and follow these guidelines from Southwest Utah Public Health Department.
If you have traveled (international or domestic) recently, you should practice social distancing for 14 days. If you experience symptoms (including fever, cough, and shortness of breath) contact your healthcare provider to ask about testing for COVID-19. All residents should follow the social distancing and isolation recommendations in Utah’s “STAY SAFE, STAY HOME” Directives.
***April 3 Update***
Kane County Taking Action to Restrict Visitation Through April 15th.
As of April 1st, Kane County has had two positive cases of COVID-19 with the expectation of additional cases in the coming days and weeks.
The current social distancing guidelines appear to be working to slow the spread. However, concerned that warmer weather and closures of camping sites and public lands in other areas of the state will bring an increase of visitors to Kane County during LDS conference weekend and the following weekend surrounding Easter, Kane County is asking everyone to follow Governor Herbert’s directive to stay home and not travel.
Southern Utah and particularly Kane County are very popular this time of year for visitors from all over the world wanting to get out and visit the state and national parks and to camp on public lands. Currently, Utah State parks are limited to visitation to only residents of the county where the state park is located. Zion National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, and many portions of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area are closed to visitation.
Kane County Hospital typically experiences an increase of patients during holiday weekends due to traffic and other recreational related accidents. This puts an increased strain on their resources and personnel. With the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, this increase in patients due to travel related accidents could prevent the hospital from giving care to a likely increase in COVID-19 cases over the next few weeks. They are already critically low on precious supplies and manpower and the additional influx of travelers from outside of Kane County will only compound their ability to operate and increases the danger of exposure to their staff.
Therefore, Kane County in conjunction with our local health department is imposing temporary and emergency restrictions on camping at high density recreational areas on unincorporated county and public lands.
The following areas of Kane County are open for Day Use only: Wire Pass Trailhead, Dry Fork Trailhead and its associated slot canyons, Elephant Cove Trailhead, Hog Canyon, the Dry Lakebed at Coral Pink Sand Dunes, and Peekaboo slot canyon. The restriction is in place until April 15 unless extended.
Over-night camping that is otherwise allowed in other areas of Kane County is allowed so long as any single group is limited to ten people or a single household and each group is located at least 50 yards away from any other group.
Normally Kane County welcomes all visitors to come and experience the many beauties we have to offer. At this unusual time in history we are asking that everyone please delay your visit to Kane County until the threat of illness to our residents and burden to our first responders is resolved.
Stay Home, Stay Safe, Save Lives.
***April 1 Update***
This is a message from Kane County Emergency Services.
As of Wednesday April 1st, Kane County has 2 positive cases of COVID-19. The first case is a travel related case. The individual is not a full-time resident of Kane County but was visiting a family in the Kanab area when they became sick and were treated in the Kane County Hospital. The second case is a Kane County resident who lives on the East end of the county. The hospital is not currently treating either of these patients. The Health Department is aware of both cases and is working with the families to identify other persons who may have contacted the sick individuals. If you think you know these individuals, please give them some privacy and allow them to heal. Our hospital staff is well equipped with personal protective equipment and trained in proper hygiene procedures. If you encounter them outside of the hospital, please treat them with respect and thank them for the service they are providing to protect your family.
County and City officials want to remind everyone that we have expected and prepared for this situation. We will most likely see more cases in the coming days. There is no need to panic and everyone is cautioned to continue with the guidance that has been given for several weeks. We hope these new developments will remind all residents of Kane County to follow these simple rules we have been given. Keep washing your hands, keep your hands away from your face, and keep your family home. If you need to go to the store or to pick up food, only one person should go. Do not congregate in groups, not even large family groups. It is still safe to go out in your yard or take your dog for a walk and call your neighbors on the phone and check on them.
Always remember to get your information from reputable sources. Many people are spreading false and hateful information, especially on social media, which only creates panic in our communities. Beware of scams from individuals trying to sell you supplies or asking for your personal information in relation to money you might be expecting from the federal government. They will not call you on the phone. For the most accurate information, use the state’s website,
If everyone will follow Governor Herbert’s current plan of Stay Home, Stay Safe, Save Lives, we will get through this.
Kane County Hospital Press Release
***March 30 Update***
Effective March 30, 2020, all County Office public entrances are to remain locked, even during business hours. Specifically, regarding the Courthouse, all doors are to remain locked.
Individuals that must have access to County Offices in order to conduct business will need to contact that office and make an appointment.
The entrance located next to the Clerk’s Office and the entrance next to Commission Chambers have had a doorbell installed. If you have an appointment or have made prior arrangements you will be admitted to go directly to that office.
All members of the public are to be encouraged to conduct business by other options rather than in person.
***March 27 Update***
Today Governor Herbert released a statewide directive entitled, "Stay Safe, Stay Home." This directive aims to slow the spread and minimize the health impacts of COVID-19 while promoting local control. The Governor has asked that all Utahns stay home as much as possible, work from home whenever possible, and maintain social distancing. "Stay Safe, Stay Home" Directive. "Stay Safe, Stay Home" Press Conference.
***March 21 Update***
Over the past few weeks the guidelines and restrictions put in place due to COVID-19 have changed rapidly, sometimes from day to day. However, the last several days we have seen our Federal, State and local governments settle in on the current social distancing strategy.
Below is a simplified listing of all the various restrictions and guidelines along with their current timelines. Any restriction or recommendation remains subject to change but these are the respective dates as they currently stand unless extended or suspended.
President Trump’s “15 Days to Slow the Spread” campaign guidelines were issued on March 16th. Although this specific campaign is in effect only until April 1, many of these simple social distancing and general hygiene guidelines will continue to be recommended. You can find the guidelines here.
Schools are closed for two weeks until March 30th. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has recently updated their recommendations regarding school closures so we are likely to receive an update from the state or our local school district early next week.
The State Department of Health’s Order regarding dine-in restrictions for Utah restaurants and bars and the restriction on group gatherings of more than ten is currently in effect until April 3rd. Please feel free to use the many options offered in our community for drive-through, take-out, and delivery.
Kane County buildings and most city offices are closed to the public or have limited access until May 1st. Most offices can assist you over the phone or by email.
There are two main points to emphasize at this time. First, we are under social distancing recommendations, NOT isolation or shelter in place orders. In general this means that if you are healthy you should remain social but you need to keep gatherings to ten or less and allow six feet of space between others whenever possible. However, you should not feel restricted to your home or from interacting with others. All healthy individuals should attempt to keep your life as normal as possible while following the restrictions and maintaining good hygiene practices. If you are sick, elderly, or have significant health risks you should stay home as much as possible.
Second, in our area and many other areas of the nation, social distancing is working. For Utah and specifically for Kane County this means it is very unlikely that tougher restrictions will be necessary. Thank you to everyone who is doing their part. Thank you particularly to those who are continuing to support local businesses many of which have suffered tremendously. Let’s continue to help them through this difficult time, with our thoughts, our prayers, and with our dollars. Keeping businesses open and keeping folks employed will go a long way to helping slow any economic down turn and hasten our recovery.
We are in this together.
***March 20 Update***
Commission meetings will not have audience members in the meeting but encourage concerned citizens to join in the audio portion of the meeting by dialing:
Phone number (435) 676-9000 This is a local call from within the South Central service area.
Participant code 168030#
***March 19 Task Force Update***
Attached is the governor's order on the Open and Public Meetings Act. I will summarize below.
1. Any public entity that is subject to the Open Meetings Act is authorized to conduct an electronic meeting whether or not they have previously adopted a policy. If the entity has not adopted a policy and they will be holding an electronic meeting under the authority of this order they must adopt a policy as soon as they can.
2. Normally for an electronic meeting, the entity must still have one or more physical locations for the public to attend and observe. Under the governor's order no physical location is required. However, the entity must still provide a way for the public to hear or see live remotely. If there is any public comment there must be a means for the public to submit comments electronically.
3. Normally for an electronic meeting you would need to post a notice at the physical location 24 hours in advance. Under the governor's order the notice at the physical location is not required (because you won't have a physical location). However, you must still post the 24 hour notice on the Utah Public Notice Website and that notice must include the details for how the public can participate remotely.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks, Rob Van Dyke - County Attorney
COVID-19 Information links
Here is the link for the Silicon Slopes Serves website
Here is a direct link to the YouTube video with yesterday’s call.
I just tried the YouTube link on the SSS site, and now it is not working, but the direct link is working. There is a lot of really good information on this call.
***March 18 Task Force Joint update***
Lamont Smith
Chair, Kane County Commission
Re: Joint Statement Regarding Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Dear Kane County Area Residents:
On March 6, 2020, Governor Gary Herbert issued an Executive Order declaring a state of emergency due to Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The main purpose of the declaration was to “recognize the need for state and local authorities, and the private sector to cooperate to slow the spread of COVID-19.”
On March 13, 2020, President Donald J. Trump declared a national state of emergency based on the continuing spread of COVID-19. Under the recommendations of the President’s COVID-19 Task Force, President Trump has issued national recommendations under the “15 Days to Slow the Spread” campaign.
The State of Utah, through the State Department of Health and under the direction of Governor Herbert, has issued statewide restrictions that coordinate with the President’s recommendations. For your convenience, we have summarized the statewide restrictions below.
Beginning today at 11:59 p.m., the following restrictions are in place until April 1, unless extended:
As your local leaders, we first urge you not to panic. These restrictions are meant to slow the spread of COVID-19 to prevent the inundation of our healthcare system and they appear to be working. We support the President and Governor Herbert in their efforts to keep us safe. We encourage you to follow the statewide restrictions, which are in full force and effect in Kane County and all of its Cities and Towns. We additionally encourage you follow the other recommendations from the President, which are attached. Specifically we ask that you do not over purchase necessary food and other household items out of panic. For updated information, you can go to or You can also tune in to 92.7 FM for the Kanab area and 92.9 FM for the Long Valley area. If you have not already, please sign up for the Kane County Emergency Services Notification System (Everbridge) by visiting
We understand and recognize that these restrictions will impose a significant hardship on all of our families and the many small businesses in our County. We have been and will continue to be a strong community that looks out for each other. If we all work together, we can help to end this hardship sooner and to save lives.
Lamont Smith Andy Gant Brent Chamberlain
Kane County Commission Kane County Commission Kane County Commission
Robert Houston Robert Caruso Kelly Lamb
Kanab City Mayor Town of Orderville Mayor Town of Glendale Mayor
David Schmuker Kimley Purvis Dustin Cox
Town of Big Water Mayor Town of Fredonia Mayor Town of Alton Mayor
Documents located in links and documents see above
March 17th State Public Health Order - The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America
Fully Executed version of this update
***March 18 Kanab City Update***
**UPDATED 3/18/2020 at 2:00PM**
With the ever-changing events involving COVID-19, Kanab City will follow a recent federal recommendation which advises against gatherings of more than 10 people. Kanab City Office will be closed to the public starting Thursday March 19, 2020. Office Staff will still be available by phone at 435-644-2534 or online at during the hours of 8:30AM to 4:30PM if you need assistance.
***March 17 Press Release***
March 17, 2020
Kane County continues to monitor the progress of COVID 19 in Kane County, The State, and The Nation. Events are evolving and changing daily.
On March 16th, President Trump initiated a 15 day push to help slow the spread of Coronavirus. These guidelines include following the direction of state & local authorities. If you feel sick or have sick children, stay home and contact your medical provider. If someone in your home has tested positive, keep the entire household at home. If you are older or have an underlying health concern, stay home and away from other people. See the president’s other recommendations to include limiting group sizes to less that 10 people on the Kane County Emergency Services Facebook Page.
Kane County has closed the following facilities: Kanab Center to include the GYM, North Event Center, Kaneplex, Search and Rescue buildings, Office of Tourism, Senior Center, and certain offices within the County building to include the IT Department, HR Department, Budget Office, and Roads Department. Other County Offices and Departments shall remain open to the public with reasonable limitations to limit interaction with the public. Kane County strongly encourages the public to use other means to contact county offices such as email, telephone or online payment options unless a visit is critical or time sensitive.
Kanab City has closed the library and attached meeting room. All board meetings, planning commission, and City Council meetings are cancelled until further notice. The city office remains open with limited staff and they invite everyone to use online forms and payments or drop your payments in the drop box outside the building to limit exposure to their employees. Kanab City public works is confident in their water system and and want to reassure residents that the water will continue to flow and their crews will continue to work, ensuring essential services will keep functioning. Other Towns will also discontinue Council meetings and limit public access where possible. Call your town offices for details.
Kane County School District has implemented school closures and will continue to provide remote instruction and meals to their students. See their website for updates.
There is a large amount of information available at this time. As before, I would caution you to use reputable sources for your information. For Utah information, use The Utah site includes links to Utah Department of Health, and CDC. For Kane County updates use Kane County will include updates from Kane County Hospital, Southwest Public Health Department and Kane School District as they become available.
President Trump, Governor Herbert, and your local elected officials have encouraged people to please not panic. There is no reason to hoard supplies or overwhelm our local establishments. In the coming weeks we will see additional changes in the way we interact with our local businesses and the way we eat out. All of your County Elected Officials encourage you to be kind, check on your neighbors in a safe manner and lets continue to work through this together. We will keep you updated as events unfold.
***March 13 Task Force Notice***
Dear Kane County Residents and Neighbors,
On March 6, Governor Herbert announced a State of Emergency regarding the Coronavirus Disease, or COVID-19, in an effort to begin early prevention efforts regarding the worldwide outbreak. On March 11, the World Health Organization officially declared a pandemic which had been expected for some time. Later the same day, President Trump announced travel restrictions from many European countries in addition to the travel restrictions from many Asian countries. Following the advice of medical and scientific experts, many universities have transitioned to online classes, major sporting organizations have suspended their seasons or cancelled tournaments, and many religious organizations have limited worship services and other activities. On March 12, Governor Herbert announced additional prevention efforts statewide, specifically limiting public and private gatherings to no more than 100 persons and encouraging the elderly to limit their contact with groups of more than twenty persons.
Kane County has established a COVID-19 Task Force made up of elected officials, local healthcare professionals, school administrators, major utility representatives, and other key partners representing all towns and cities in Kane County. We have been working to review the recommendations of federal and state leaders and to stay on top of this emerging situation. As a unified voice we remind everyone not to panic. The power will continue to operate, water will continue to flow, and essential services like the internet will continue to function. Although it is generally a good idea to have a supply of food, water, and medication that will last a few weeks, there is no need to deplete our local grocery stores. The sweeping restrictions enacted around the country and in our state are mainly preventative efforts to ensure that if and when an outbreak occurs the effects will be minimized as much as possible. As of now, there are five cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Utah, all of which were contracted from sources outside of the State. Utah has not yet experienced community spread although this is anticipated to happen in the near future. However, the risk of infection in our area is considered low and if you do get infected, the data shows you are most likely to have minor symptoms from which you will recover just fine at home.
Those under the age of sixty without any respiratory conditions are at a minimal risk. Those over the age of sixty with additional chronic medical conditions are at a greater risk and should limit their contact with other people. The best prevention efforts that you can do are also the simplest. Wash your hands often, don’t touch your face, stay away from sick people, and if you are experiencing any symptoms, stay home. The symptoms to watch for are dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Additionally, if you suspect you are infected, please do not go to a clinic and only go to an emergency room if you are experiencing a medical emergency like difficulty breathing or seizures, which are rare. Contact your Doctor or hospital first and get instructions on how to proceed. You can also call 1-800-456-7707 if you think you have been exposed or have symptoms and they can advise you as to the next steps to take.
The state of Utah has established a website for up to date information in our state, You can also find useful information from the Center for Disease Control at . Be very aware of scams that will take place. Make sure to get your information from reputable sources like the websites above or from the Utah Department of Health. Kane County will post local updates to the Kane County Emergency Services Facebook Page. Everyone should also register for the county’s mass notification service, Everbridge, by going to the Kane County website, or by clicking here.
Over the next days and weeks, you will continue to receive updates to state and local preventative efforts. Please keep in mind that these efforts are intended to keep more people safe and hopefully speed up the end of the COVID-19 outbreak. As your city and county officials, we encourage everyone to stay calm and do your best to stay healthy and safe. Working as a team we will all get through this together.